Common Sense Life Coaching

Rational Fulfillment

Common Sense
Life Coaching

We all face decisions that challenge us. Whether it is a new career, a new city or country, a new romantic prospect, or just a new way of thinking about an old issue, our decisions shape our lives minute by minute.



Facing Life's Challenges

Life coaching is not science, nor is it art. The role of the life coach is to be there to help clear the fog around certain issues or decisions you are facing which appear too difficult, too gnarly, or too complicated to deal with. Your life coach is a second set of eyes, someone who has seen much of what life deals out and can give you the benefit of his experience. 

Who Needs it?

Supporting Your Next Steps​

Unlike therapy, life coaching is not about spending hours working on psychological quests or looking into root causes. Life coaching is much more practical and goal oriented. A person will turn to a life coach with an eye to achieving something concrete. Together we set ourselves a goal and achieve it. A goal could be to make better and more confident decisions. A goal could be to change jobs, to try a new career, to start a business, or to learn how to cook.

At some point in everyone’s life, there comes a difficult choice or a sense that something needs to change. That is where a life coach can help the most, allowing you to see and understand your wishes and make a plan to make them come true.

Clear and Honest Guidance

No Jargon

Clear and Honest Guidance

Although many of my colleagues will do it, you will never hear me trying to fit you into a “model” or making you “role play” or dance naked in the forest at midnight to free your inner child. A lot of life coaching gets a bad rap because of practitioners who are more interested in show you what they know rather than helping you.

My promise is always to listen, to provide you with all the guidance or suggestions you may need, to give you the benefit of my life lessons, and to make sure that it is always working toward your rational fulfillment of a life’s goal. A goal which you will set and achieve within the time allotted.

If this makes sense to you, register here and we can set up your first session, free of charge to see if you stand to benefit from life coaching and change your life today.

We Will Help For Better Health

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature

Best Counseling

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece

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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece

Emergency Help

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece