Common Sense Life Coaching


Experienced Hands

Transition and Change​

I began this work with the idea of using my own experience and learnings to help people with issues or questions which can sometimes appear bigger than they really are.

These include questions of:

Changing jobs
Changing careers
Late-life careers
Preparing for and accepting international or mobility work
Making good decisions
Maintaining the Work/Life balance

Just to name a few…

Working on these issues for a predetermined duration, walking through a step by step process for each, I trust that you will gain the clarity you need to take on the challenges that you will face in a changing environment.

My approach is not about buzzwords and jargon and models and all the space-fillers that you may have found will searching for a Life Coach. In fact, I am not really a fan of the job title either. But let’s not get off track.

There is really only one track: getting you back into the driver’s seat and in control of your life and life’s decisions.

Value from Experience​

As I am an old-school coach, I have an old-school approach. Anything we discuss and any issues that you wish to explore, we will always take a common sense and straight-forward approach. A life coach is not a therapist, although some may be tempted to dabble in it. A life coach is there to help clarify your thinking, not guide it nor direct it.

I am a certified Professional Life Coach, certified by the Transformation Academy, and I am learning more about new techniques and ideas every day. But my real value comes from my many years of experience living around the world, in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and America, working and adapting to new jobs, cultural norms, and languages. In my life, I have made more than one major shift in my career orientation, more than one major move, and while my experiences may not apply to yours directly, what I learned in each instance can and will be of use to you.

Each experience is a story, and from each story, something of value can emerge. While all of these experiences and stories may be interesting in some way, the main point is not hearing my stories, but bringing out yours.

My stories and experiences are only there to show you that I can better understand where you coming from.

My Stories​

Rooted in real experiences, this text offers more than just random insights—it’s a guide through life’s transitions.


Life Challenges

International schools, university
Bicultural marriage (and divorce)
Language learning
Language teaching
Multilingual / multicultural environment
Changing career orientations
Changing countries for work (and looking for work abroad)

internal battles

Internal Battles

Making Big Decisions
Thinking about Overthinking
Finding and Fostering your Passion or Purpose
Mid-Life Dilemma: the ‘What Now?’ Syndrome

business vs busyness

Business vs. Busyness

Starting a new business
Entrepreneurial thinking
Making a business plan
Branding a business or a product
Building and Using Leadership Skills
Fashion Entrepreneurship
Writing and Publishing a Blog
Writing a Book (or two or more)

where to start (1)


Where to start?​

It starts with a simple hello. If anything you have seen here is of interest to you, or if it makes you think a little, send me an email and we can set up a time to talk a little. Your email does not oblige you to anything and the first session is absolutely free.

I will tell you if I think we could work together, and then we can decide together how to proceed.

Your brighter days await you!

Unique and Personal.​

Life Coaching must always be adapted to your precise needs and your specific situations. That means I will not offer a generic session on “Career Changes” and hope it suits you.

We will have a free initial session and try to get closer to your needs. Maybe you want to try something new, or maybe your job is disappearing due to technological advances. It could be that you have reached the highest level and want to grow more, or it could be that you are not doing work that fulfills you… Everyone is different and I will never offer you someone else’s approaches, but only your unique and personal solutions.

When you write to me, just tell me in general what you want to improve or work on – career, job, family, relationships, international, decision-making, or anything else it may be – and we will make time to delve into it more together.

As a result of this highly personal method, I can only work with a very limited number of clients at one time, ensuring that I am able to give you all the attention you need.

Once we determine the areas in which we will work together, we will decide about the timeframe for our sessions.